
Over a decade ago, tyre importers, retailers and others in the tyre supply chain came together to call for mandatory product stewardship for end-of-life tyres.  

After extensive consultation and input from the industry, the Government declared tyres a ‘priority product’ in 2020. Then in 2023, after further public consultation, it published regulation so anyone importing or selling eligible tyres in New Zealand, whether loose or on a vehicle, has to act in accordance with Tyrewise.  

Tyrewise was created to prevent millions of tyres ending up landfill, being illegally stockpiled or dumped each year, so we can protect the health of both te taiao, our environment, and our hapori, communities. 

Tyrewise is Aotearoa’s first regulated product stewardship programme. It minimises the environmental impacts of end-of-life tyres, with its clear pathway from tyre service providers and collection sites to processing partners, which recycle and repurpose them into other useful products.  

Tyrewise tracks tyres via a network of registered participants, throughout their life cycle, to ensure tyres are kept from illegal dumping, stockpiles and landfill. 

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Tyrewise was created to prevent millions of tyres ending up landfill, being illegally stockpiled or dumped each year, so we can protect the health of both te taiao, our environment, and our hapori, communities. The scheme was designed by industry with support from government and was widely consulted on before regulations supporting tyre stewardship were approved. A tyre stewardship fee will be charged on all new tyres sold loose or on a vehicle. The fee is $6.65 (excl. GST) for a standard passenger tyre, but will vary depending on the type of tyre.