Become an Installer

How our process works

  • Our customers will purchase tyres or wheels and select an installer close to their location.
  • The customer will also select a preferred installation date at least 2 working days in the future.
  • Shortly after this you will receive an email from us with the customer information and we will ship the tyres to you.
  • The customer will pay you directly for fitting and balancing.
  • Date selector that start 2 working days in the future

Become an Installer


Tyrewise was created to prevent millions of tyres ending up landfill, being illegally stockpiled or dumped each year, so we can protect the health of both te taiao, our environment, and our hapori, communities. The scheme was designed by industry with support from government and was widely consulted on before regulations supporting tyre stewardship were approved. A tyre stewardship fee will be charged on all new tyres sold loose or on a vehicle. The fee is $6.65 (excl. GST) for a standard passenger tyre, but will vary depending on the type of tyre.